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PostgreSQL Database Wizard

Step 1:Log in to your cPanel>>database section >> PostgreSQL Database Wizard

Step 2: Look under the Databases section for the PostgreSQL Database Wizard. Click it to open the Wizard.



Step 3: You will be given the option to give your database a name:



Important Note There is a 50 character limitation on the database name, including the part before the _.

After giving your database a name, click the blue Create Database button.

Step 4: Next you will have the option to create a username and password for the new database.



Be sure to use a secure password. If you need to generate one, use the Password Generator.

When you’ve entered the username + password, click the blue Create User button.

Step 5: Next, you will need to add the user to the database so that it has permission to access the database.

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Click the Submit button to do this.