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MultiPHP INI Editor

  1.  Log in to your cPanel>>Software>>MultiPHP INI Editor

2. Go to the Software section and click on MultiPHP INI Editor.


The MultiPHP INI Editor has two modes, Basic and Editor, that allow a certain degree of changes in the PHP configurations.

MultiPHP INI Editor with Basic Mode
This mode provides detailed information for each option that varies depending on the version of PHP. You can apply the changes to your corresponding PHP configuration via the system.

1. Click on the Basic Mode tab.


2. Select the domain you want to edit from the dropdown menu saying — Select a location —

3. Make the changes and configurations and click Apply.


MultiPHP INI Editor with Editor Mode
Editor Mode shows the cPanel-generated php.ini directives. It allows users to add and customize PHP configuration changes more directly.

1. Select the Editor Mode tab.

multiphp editor

2. Select the domain you want to edit from the dropdown menu saying — Select a location —

3. Make the desired changes in the script and click the Save button.

multiphp editor save