
Reset a Mailman Password

 log in to your WHM>> cPanel>> Reset a Mailman Password While resetting the password of the account you must make sure the password is healthy. The system evaluates the password that you enter on a scale of 100 points. 0 indicates a weak password, while 100 indicates a very secure password. It requires a minimum […]

Modify cPanel & WHM News

 log in to your WHM>> cPanel>> Modify cPanel & WHM News 1) Go to the cPanel section in the menu. 2) Then Modify cPanel/ WHM News. There are four boxes here that allow you to type up news to be used in cPanel & WHM. The text you enter will not be formatted in any way, so you need to […]

Manage Plugins

 log in to your WHM>> cPanel>> Manage Plugins 2) Click Manage Plugins. 3) Scroll through and see if there’s anything here that interests you. 4) When you find something you’d like to install, click the checkbox next to Install and Keep Updated. 5) When finished, click Save. Both of the cPanel Plugins we chose have been installed. They should now be active […]


 log in to your WHM>> cPanel>> Customization In the search box at the upper left of the WHM screen, start typing cpanel, and then click Customization when it becomes visible: In the Select a theme list box, confirm that the theme is set to Jupiter: Under Configure the selected theme, on the Logos tab, specify the logos you want to use, and then click Update […]

Show Current Running Processes

Step 1: log in to yourWHM >>System Health >>Show Current Running Processes Step 2: From the search menu in the upper left, type in “System Health” and hit Enter. Step 3: In the listed options of the search results, click on Show Current Running Processes Step 4: This will bring you to a page to view the Current […]

Show Current Disk Usage

log in to yourWHM >>System Health >>Show Current Disk Usage Step 1: Log into your WHM Administrative Dashboard Step 2: From the search bar in the upper left, type in “System Health_” and hit enter. From the list, there will be _Show Current Disk Usage, as one of the options. Step 3: Click on Show Current […]

Process Manager

Step 1: log in to yourWHM >>System Health >>Process Manager Step 2: In the Upper Left, there will be a search box. Enter in “System Health_”and hit enter. From the list of available options, select _Process Manager. Step 3: After you click on Process Manager, you will be brought to a new page that will list […]

Background Process Killer

 log in to yourWHM >>System Health >>Background Process Killer Choose the “System Health” option and click on the “Background Process Killer” sub-option. Choose the procedures. Check all of the programmes’ names twice if you do not want them to run on your server because permitting users to run IRC bots and servers usually leads to denial-of-service attacks. Write the […]


 log in your WHM >> Software >> EasyApache4 After you have logged in, please use the search bar on the left side of the page and type “EasyApache 4”. When the functionality shows up below the search bar, please click on it so you can be sent to the “EasyApache 4” page. Review of the […]

Update Server Software

 log in your WHM >> Software >> Update Server Software 1) Find it in the menu. 2) First, we’ll run Update Server Software. This will check for updates to all your server software, such as your system’s services. Before performing any updates, your system will determine the versions of the software you have installed. This script will, therefore, […]