
Manage root’s SSH Keys

Managing SSH Keys with WHM To manage SSH keys, follow this guide, as it will show you how to add, import, and manage them with your server.  SSH keys will be divided into two types: public and private. Log in to your whm>>security centre >>Manage root’s SSH Keys Step 2: Click on the Security Center button […]

Manage External Authentications

Log in to your whm>>security centre >Manage External Authentications You could log in to the WHM using a web browser. You need to enter the IP address or hostname of the server followed by a colon and port number such as . If you need to access the WHM secured URL, you need to enter […]

Host Access Control

  :Log in to your whm>>security centre >Host Access Control Select the “Security Center” section. Click on the “Host Access Control” sub-option. You will enter a new page. Here, you can input the rules. You have to enter the information in the columns given below: Daemon:Add the service. Access List:IP address you wish to allow or deny. Action:Action to be carried out. […]

cPHulk Brute Force Protection

Log in to your whm>>security centre>> cPHulk Brute Force Protection Click cPHulk Brute Force Protectionfrom the home page of the Security Center. If cPHulk is disabled, click the button on the left-hand side of the page to enable it. The first tab is the Configuration Settings. Here, you can: Track login attempts for user accounts. Turn on […]

Configure Security Policies

In WHM, there is an option under Configure Security Policies to set the Password Age configuration. This feature in WHM will allows you to specify the number of days to allow cPanel, Webmail, and WHM users to use the same password. When you select this checkbox, the Maximum password age (in days) text box appears […]

Compiler Access

Log in to your whm>>security centre>> Compiler Access Select the Security Centeroption from the navigation menu. Click on Compiler Access. Click on Allow specific users to use the compilerslink in the Configuresection. The Manage Compiler Group interface will open, where you can enable/disable compiler access for users. It all depends on their group. Select the user you want to grant compiler […]

SMTP Restrictions

Log in to your whm>>security centre>> SMTP Restrictions 2. You can set up SMTP Restrictions by logging into WHM, searching for “SMTP” (1), selecting SMTP Restrictions under Security Center (2), and reviewing SMTP Restrictions (3). Inside the interface, click the Enable button to start the service. SMTP Restrictions is a feature in WHM that stops […]

Support Center

Log in to your whm>>Networking Setup>>Support Center Log in to WHM. Search Support Center in the search function on the left-hand side of WHM. Support Center search On the next page, you can click on one or more available Resources section. You can view the cPanel & WHM Knowledge Base, Support Forums, WHM Documentation, cPanel Documentation, […]

Grant cPanel Support Access

Log in to your whm>>Networking Setup>>Grant cPanel Support Access 2. Select the Security Center option from the navigation menu. 3. Click on Compiler Access. 4. Click on Allow specific users to use the compilers link in the Configure section. The Manage Compiler Group interface will open, where you can enable/disable compiler access for users. It all […]